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Cancellation Policy

Cancellation by Customer
Canellation is at sole discretion of the shop owner or seller hosted on our website. You as a customer can request order cancellation by calling us or intimating on info@keepstores.com before below specified cut-off time. We do not guarantee that your cancellation request would be accepted or rejected. We will share your request with the shop owner or seller. Seller may accept or reject your request accordingly. Any cancellation request placed after below specified cut-off will not be entertained. Customer will have to accept the order and pay the entire bill amount as per the invoice provided by the shop.
Cut Off Time : Cancellation request will only be responded if requested immediately with 30 minutes of placing order. We do not guarantee cancellation request acceptance or rejection. Seller or shop owner may accept or reject your cancellation request at his sole discretion.
If cancellation request is accepted by the shop owner/seller then your order automatically stands cancelled since we do not collect bill amount as per the order in advance based on our delivery model. i.e. Cash On Delivery. If we suspect any fraudulent transaction by any customer or any transaction which defies the terms & conditions of using the website, we at our sole discretion could cancel such orders. We will maintain a negative list of all fraudulent transactions and customers and would deny access to them or cancel any orders placed by them. 
Cancellation by Site
If the order is cancelled by site or from our end then you will be intimated about the same and we may not be held responsible for any refunds since no transaction ocurrs in this case based on our delivery model. i.e. Cash On Delivery and no refund would be required to be done.